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Power Utility Business Innovation Forum

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May 22nd, Hosted by IEC at Tel Aviv

Power Utility Business Innovation Forum 

There is by now global common understanding that the Power Utility market place is changing rapidly. This fast and disruptive change presents promising times for Power Utilities that will capture and leverage the new arising opportunities. Identifying the new opportunities, restructuring corporate strategies and business models, and getting management and employees cooperation for such drastic changes are the key challenges facing most Power Utilities around the world.


The Global Smart Grid Federation decided to step up to the challenge, and set a forum for the assigned leaders of the relevant players to exchange ideas, learn from past experience of other industries, establish cooperation, and ensure their organizations are staying at the edge of the market.


The forum is an on-going initiative and use online and in-person sessions to enable its members to establish the new Eco-System of relevant players that will serve as the foundation for the new emerging Power Utilities’ market.


PUBIF serves to:

  • Enable interaction with key players from other industries

  • Identify possible new services and business models

  • Discuss the organizational and industry challenges

  • Explore possible business partnerships

  • Expose new potential markets (geographies and services) for the utilities

  • A meeting point between vendors, service firms, and utilities


PUBIF meetings hosts around 30 delegates representing power utilities, competitive energy players, global vendors, and innovative start-ups, who shared their experience and provided new perspectives.


Participation at the forum, and the workshop, is at no cost by invitation only.

© 2017 by Israeli Smart Energy Association

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